Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity

This video really put things in perspective for me. The thought of schools blocking the creative minds of youth today is a scary thought. It is important that our youth learn the basic of the academic subjects such as math, English and even history, but just as important for them to express their creative sides. After all it is our creativity that brings about new and improved inventions. Sir Ken Robinson states that "If you are not prepared to be wrong, then you will never come up with anything original". If we continue to tell the youth of today that they can not be successful in any of the performing arts, then we are only fueling the fire more. A perfect example of this was shared in the video. The touching story of Ms. Gillian Lynne is nothing less than just that.

Ms. Gillian Lynne's mother was told her daughter was having problems paying attention in class and staying focused. Many children are said to have this same disorder, which is now known as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). I never really thought of these new inventions as blocking our creative minds. Sir Ken Robinson had some really good points and seemed to be very passionate about his view. I would like to learn more on how not to block my students creativiness. This will be a new goal for me as I continue my own education.


  1. What would be on your list of things that undermine creativity?

  2. #1 would be the very mundane schedules that are in place in our public schools. I would have to give the rest of the list a little thought!
