Monday, October 19, 2009

The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler

First I would like to state that this video technique is really cool. Simple but full of great information. One of the first things I learned in college was to network with others and make yourself marketable. This video does a great job of showing just how far one can get by exploring their resources.

This is only my second year in college so I am still learning how to adjust to my surroundings. I believe as I gain experience in the teaching field my network with grow, and along with that I will be able to introduce my students to new ideas. The question as to whether not a networked student needed a teacher was asked, and the answer to that is yes. Both the student and the teacher need each other. Learning can come from both sides of the desk. Teachers can provide that extra professional boost that most students struggle to gain.

I am looking forward to expanding my professional network. I think this class provides a great opportunity for that. Even though the idea of all this is a scary thought, we will greatly appreciate it later.


  1. You make an excellent point. The better your Personal Learning Network, the more help you will have in your teaching.

  2. I really did find the information useful, but I can't agree that I liked the way they did the video. I thought it was creative and simple but I would have liked to have seen more than just paper. I found it a bit distracting, but I still enjoyed the video and the message.
