Sunday, November 8, 2009

Why is it Important for Students to Post Their Work to Blogs?

Before entering this class, I had never heard of blogging. This new trend is still all new to me. After watching some of the required post for this class, I can better understand some of the benefits of blogging. Blogging in schools can not only expose students to a different was of learning, but also allow them to improve certain skills such as reading and writing. The mundane lessons from a book can become more and more boring for the youth of today. The youth are more involved with hands on activities, and as educators it is our job to keep up. Blogging is a great way of doing exactly that.

1 comment:

  1. Here is the assignment:"Watch this blog post:
    Write a blog post in which you answer this question:
    Why is important for students to post their work to blogs (or in other ways)? This is one
    example. Use at least three other examples which you have encountered in this class (assigned or
    not). Include pictures and links for all example which you use." Where are your examples?
