Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My Personal Learning Network

Although my personal learning network is not as big as I would like for it to be, it has grown. At the beginning of the semester I was not even aware of what a personal learning network was. But now I have one and still working to expand it. After taking EDM 310, I have made connections with Dr. John Strange, LaNadia Patrick, and Catherine Bryars. I hope to one day be able to receive professional guidance from Dr. Strange, and share collaborate ideas with LaNadia and Catherine. I also hope to have professional connections with educators outside of the United States. I have always thought it interesting to see how different education is in other countries, or if it was all alike. As I start my career, I hope to gain a huge and helpful learning network.


  1. Courtney it was a blast working with you! You really made doing these projects for this class a little bit easier for me! Thank you for all you did and I hope to work with you again!
