Saturday, September 12, 2009

It's Not About The Technology by Kelly Hines

The four points mention in this post were very true. Education is not a profession for someone who does not enjoy learning. As you get older their will always be new ways of teaching, and just because you learned it a certain way does not mean that a new generation will learn it the same way. Technology is taking over at an alarming rate and as educators we have to be ready for what ever comes our way. We must learn to keep up with the times, because if not money will definitely be wasted.

Wow, I thought I was the only one who felt the way you do about teaching and learning not being the same thing. No matter how much you drill something into some one's head, if they are not captured by the material at first glance then your efforts have been wasted. Sometimes this can be hard to understand, but that is why it is so important to use your resources and find new ways of introducing material. Overall this was a great post. Great job!


  1. Drilling it into someone's head. Interesting approach, but I don't think it works at all!

  2. Thanks for your reflection on my post. I agree that the power tool method doesn't seem to be the best for students - in fact, it seems to be less and less effective at even making students regurgitate knowledge. Keep up the great work!
